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Tips On Giving Better Interviews 8 years ago

When it comes to giving interviews, there is always a distinct kind of nervousness that keeps ticking on the back of your head, no matter how much experience you hold in that domain. Things get a little more intense when you are applying for a marketing related field such as retail sector. In last few decades, this sector has evolved as one of largest absorber of man power. Retail sales have taken so many store chains and business houses by storm. One of the prime reasons why all kind of professionals feel allured to it and apply for retail training.

This trend has also given rise to a new race of experienced professionals who like to be called as retail speakers and experts. One of the most precious gems from this race is Doug Fleener which is known for giving the most exclusive services in retail segment. A proficient retail speaker and motivator, he has acquired special status in the sector with his special services focused on giving coaching, consultation services, teaching leadership development skills, special programs for small business owners, executive coaching, store visits, site visits, etc.

His basic aim is to impart best lessons based on all his learning that he has gathered in his experience. With respect to giving interviews he believes that interviewing and hiring are one of the most significant job responsibilities held by a manager. The candidate must remember that little things that they do, can make a bigger difference to their future career. There are a few things that can be done to improve one’s interviewing skills.

As per Doug, the first thing that a candidate can do to improve their performance in an interview is making an appropriate schedule. Never schedule an interview when you are unsure if you will be able to give your complete attention to the interviewee. It is an important task to choose the right person for your company, therefore, unless you are not sure that you will be able to concentrate with full energy and will be able to take the right decision, it is better you don’t attempt to do any such thing.

Another specific thing to remember in this regard is to know how to make a deep impression. Always remember, it is not only you who is interviewing the candidate, you are being interviewed by the candidate in the same manner but in form of silent observations. Other important thing to be kept in mind is to keep away distractions and have an uncanny ability to listen to others.

For More Info:- Retail customer experience

How to Increase your Sales through Retail Sales Training! 8 years ago

The recession is roaring high these years and it has been known that every single organization or firm is competing in this hard-hitting market. Some give up, some are still encountering with the recession and some are opening their own retail outlets. It has also appeared that some of the retailers come out of the box and are striving to make their own versed position in the market. In fact, everyone is trying his or her respective zones to come ahead of the competition. If your business is hoisting its flag in the top results of the market, then it is obvious that you think why to pay for the retail sales training program. On the flip side, if the opposite has happened or you are an employee of the far-flung locations, then it is the right time to think about the revenue and sales of your business. Retail sales training will help you to win retail customer experience. If you really want to reach your business over an edge, then no matter a retailer's size, the right retail sales training is required that embraces the foundational elements. Even, some of the online firms give you the training not only on the sales growth, but they also focus on the leadership development and detecting the market opportunities. Let's grab some of the retail sales training tips to assist your business schedule. • The first thing about the retail sales training is "the market." As a sales representative, you must be cogitated with the nuts and bolts of the market. • Ask yourself a question- "Who is your customer?" If your answer is "Everyone", then broaden your search extent and plan a strategy accordingly. On the contrary, if you are targeting a specific audience, then push yourself to gather more information about the respective people. • After getting the idea about the niche of your targeting audience, move your avenue from "the customer" to "the prospect". It is time to narrow your research and proceed towards the "chosen market". • To become a self-reliant sales representative, attend the efficient retail training and focus on "Listening" and "Understanding" the customers (prospects). • In some instances, visiting the different clients may lead you to fall in the hitch. Just avoid such types of distractions and move ahead confidently. Convincing them in various ways... this is what you learn in the training sessions. • Be cautious about your body language! As everyone knows- the first impression is the last impression. In addition to, you are representing your firm or business, so it is your responsibility to make it in the higher sphere. • Moreover, these training sessions will give you the realistic experience in handling and tackling the hardest circumstances. The practical approach will aid you to be practical and ponder accordingly. • The pros of attending the training classes of retail sales are beyond the horizon. So, if you really want your business to reach the pinnacle, then do embrace this factor in your agenda.

Be a retail "speaker" and the retail "listener" and you will undoubtedly acquire the feasible upshots in the form of high ROI. This is what one of the training sessions consists of! Try once and you will see the difference by yourself! For more info: Retail keynote speaker

Retail Coaching Program for Overall Improvement of Business 8 years ago

To grow your business, there are several factors you need to concentrate on. Whether you are small entrepreneur, start up or established enterprises, it is must for you to concentrate on all the resources. You have to manage your employees, the customers, sales, profits, debtors, creditors and many more. Again, you need to bring improvement in your work by improving your employees and their willingness to work.

Motivate your employees and educate them! This is really a great thing you can practice to improve your team work. To improve sales, you must focus on improving Customer experience. It is very important to provide proper service to your customer and have smooth communication that can result positively on your sales ratio. You need to ameliorate the communicatingskills so that you can efficaciouslycommunicate with the target audience and can successfully bring the customer for your business.

Overall, you need proper Retail training that can improve your skills and thereby you and your employees can achieve the targeted results. The training courses can teach valuable lessons that can be applied in variety of retail settings. The course inculcates the effective communication skills, leadership qualities, adopting a competitive mind-set, etc. Here the person is trained in employing the advanced techniques with creative approach along with creating positive customer service experiences every time.

The retail education program focuses on different areas such as:

• Marketing activities • Sales revenue and profit growth • Hiring and staffing • Staff issues, motivation and development • Sales and customer service experience improvement

The retail coaching sessions focus on more on sales and profit growth along with the leadership development and developing the communication skills. Approach the most experienced Retail consultant to have customized consultation. If you are ready to grow your business, best to attend the training sessions on retail. The course will definitely help you in achieving your goal easily and with fewer hassles. Most of the times, such training sessions are usually project oriented and tailored with what exactly you need to grow your business. The training sessions are more in-depth and hands-on solutions that exactly match to your needs. It is thus very helpful for you and your organization in improving sales revenue, profit ratio and customer service experience.

Approach the retail coaching consultant to make your next event an extraordinary experience. There are number of short and long term training programs for you and your employees that can help in growing and developing your business rapidly. Approach the most experienced and professional mentor for retail coaching who can judge the required improvements in the areas of customer service experience, employee experience, sales strategies, visual presentations, etc. Browse for the mentor who can offer you the retail coaching for rapid and custom tailored improvement of yourself and your employees.

A quality retail coaching program always helps in bringing success to the retail business. By acquiring proper education in promotion of products, communicating with the employees, communicating with the customers, etc. your business can be a part of highly creative and innovative industry in no time.

For More Info : Retail speaker

Retail sales training programs to recover your sales! 9 years ago

Good retail salespersons are active, good listeners. They actually understand what clients want by listening and they are quick in developing a trustworthy relationship between salesperson and a customer. Active listeners entails that all the attention is concentrated on the people talking to you as well as you are actually taking in the person’s saying. Active listening can enhance your retail sale and you can enjoy permanent customers along with huge sales. You need to get some retail sales training tricks and tops from the various online programs to boost your retail sales. Stop talking and start listening what your customer is saying. There are few tips that you can follow to increase the retail sale such as:

Listen to your customer well:

When you are with your customer then make sure you listen to her requirement quite well. Let her speak her mind off and what she wants. By establishing good communication with clients via active listening one can end up making a sale. When individual choose to work as a salesperson then it’s because they want to be surrounded by the people. Most of the time they like to say a lot. Listening, though, isn’t always a quality they possess. The most usual rule for sale is listening well and make sure that one individual is talking at once. You can join various programs online to improve the sale and your quality of talking. You can seek help of Retail Coach Training online. They will give you some extraordinary tips on how to boost your sale and listen to your clients patiently.

Make your client that you know their requirements:

When a client is saying something, listen carefully as well as maintain eye-contact. Use your body language like head nodding to make them believe that you know what they are trying to say. You need to tell them that you know their requirements. There are many retail experts who will help you in your retail programs. You need to avoid various distractions while talking to your customers. Most of the people like to give advises to their customers which they might not like. So always make sure you don’t advise them until asked.

Avoid negative judgment:

When you join the course or training program of retail sales then you should be well aware about the techniques they use. You should avoid negative judgment. You might get influenced by individual’s language, dress, appearance and quick in taking negative judgment based mainly on your own experience.
These are main obstacles in communication and providing good retail service. Accept the customer for what they are and do not assume anything. You should show them the quality and best available product that suits their needs. It’s up to them if they take it or not. Retail coach will help you in improving sales skills and gaining more loyal customers. There are unique workshops are held by these coaches to train salesperson.

For more info: Customer experience

Retail and Customer Experience Expert, Consultant, and Keynote Speaker 9 years ago

The modern business world is evolving every new day. It is getting brighten up with advanced technology and simultaneously with the approach of brilliantly talented minds. These people are learning with new developments and applying the advanced formulated strategies to grow their businesses. Along with this, they are also helping other small scale business enterprises via providing them essential market knowledge, retail customer experience, real world solutions and much more so that they can grow with their business.

If you are an emerging businessman and need some fresh assistance in how to get along with the growth of your business, then all you need to do is to contact Retail Expert Consultant. He is the person who has the essential knowledge, fresh perspectives and positive hope for you. It is easy to contact this consultant online and if you want he can deliver a session for a group of businessman like you. The modern world is not as same as it was some years before. Today, you need something more than what you already know. And, to understand what are the things required you need to consult Expert Retail Consultant. Once you take the session you will feel how important is to keep a regular training or coaching going on to help with your business marketing strategies.

The point here to understand is that we are always doing things on the basis of what we already know. But, the world today is asking you to do more by learning more. It is like, empty the cup within yourself, so that you can keep on pouring more and keep on growing more. When you are involved in business, you might need to change your perspectives and beliefs so that you can overcome the problems you are facing. And, to get all this information and consultation all you need to do is to contact the best Retail Keynote Speaker.

Now, it’s time to get happy because you can easily find the expert via contacting him online. Search for the best Retail Coach Training and get the proven results. You must make the group of people like you before making any arrangements by calling the consultant to your city. It will be great if you share the session with people who are also looking for fresh knowledge and newer experiences. You can even invite your family and friends to join in the great session.

You should also prepare a list of important questions so that you can ask the expert consultant or Retail speaker when he is done with the session. This will solve all your problems and you will feel great and experienced to get ahead with the success in the business environment.

Retail Mantras by a Noted Speaker 9 years ago

Douglas Fleener, a retail keynote speaker is known for providing ground breaking solutions to the people on how to start and flourish as a retailer. Ultimately, whatever a person does is directed towards achieving his goals, success and fame in life. Nobody wants a life full of financial debt, unfulfilled desires and a struggling life. A certain time comes in life when a person wants a stable income, a comfortable home and a happy life. But most of the people think that being a retailer cannot offer all those things that a person can dream. It is the biggest myth that has led to many people living a life on edges, because most of the people confuse a retail job to marketing job. Most of the people have also quit their retail enterprises and started working in corporate sector in lieu of stable income.

But the fact is a retail enterprise is as profitable and stable as a job. To throw light and solve the problems of clients Doughlas guides them as a retail consultant by:

Understanding the whole business and problems his clients are facing.
Coaching them in the areas to focus, i.e. how to increase sales? How to councel the leads effectively and convert them?

Inspiring the clients by giving real life examples and motivating them to get through the tough times.
The energetic and humorous style of communication makes the clients relax and have a positive outlook towards life and business even when going through rough patches.

He is not only a noted speaker, but also provides retail training to the clients. There are specially customized programs and training classes where the clients learn how to:

Increase the revenue and profit as a retail enterprise
Use different channels of promotion and keep the customers happy and satisfied
Manage staff and keep them motivated to do more conversions
Increase the goodwill in the market and become financially stronger
Grow in a competitive environment and carve a niche in the market.

The programs are not just about positive thinking and positive reinforcements in the workplace, but also about putting the clients in situations where they have to solve the critical situation and mitigate the loss. Many new retailers get demotivated due to lack of conversions; or feel agitated at the loss of a promising staff member or get depressed due to financial crunches. But it is important to understand that no new business can flourish in a blink of a second. In the sessions, they are trained to handle pressure and how to make it an opportunity to grow rather than thinking it as a speed breaker.

It is important for a person to realize the being a retailer is an opportunity to be your own boss and take risks to diversify and grow whichever way they want to. In a way; it is creating your own life and if touching the sky is the dream it will be fulfilled with continuous perseverance and efforts in the right direction.

For More Info:- Retail expert

Retail and Customer Experience Expert, Consultant, and Keynote Speaker 9 years ago

The modern business world is evolving every new day. It is getting brighten up with advanced technology and simultaneously with the approach of brilliantly talented minds. These people are learning with new developments and applying the advanced formulated strategies to grow their businesses. Along with this, they are also helping other small scale business enterprises via providing them essential market knowledge, retail customer experience , real world solutions and much more so that they can grow with their business.

If you are an emerging businessman and need some fresh assistance in how to get along with the growth of your business, then all you need to do is to contact Retail Expert Consultant. He is the person who has the essential knowledge, fresh perspectives and positive hope for you. It is easy to contact this consultant online and if you want he can deliver a session for a group of businessman like you.

Retail keynote speaker The modern world is not as same as it was some years before. Today, you need something more than what you already know. And, to understand what are the things required you need to consult Expert Retail Consultant. Once you take the session you will feel how important is to keep a regular training or coaching going on to help with your business marketing strategies.

The point here to understand is that we are always doing things on the basis of what we already know. But, the world today is asking you to do more by learning more. It is like, empty the cup within yourself, so that you can keep on pouring more and keep on growing more. When you are involved in business, you might need to change your perspectives and beliefs so that you can overcome the problems you are facing. And, to get all this information and consultation all you need to do is to contact the best Retail Keynote Speaker.

Now, it’s time to get happy because you can easily find the expert via contacting him online. Search for the best Retail Coach Training and get the proven results. You must make the group of people like you before making any arrangements by calling the consultant to your city. It will be great if you share the session with people who are also looking for fresh knowledge and newer experiences. You can even invite your family and friends to join in the great session.

You should also prepare a list of important questions so that you can ask the expert consultant or Retail speaker when he is done with the session. This will solve all your problems and you will feel great and experienced to get ahead with the success in the business environment.

For More Info:-Click Here

Want To Explore Your Retail Market? 9 years ago

Sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to the consumers or the customers is known as retail. A retailer is a person who sells goods directly to the consumer, opposed to a supplier or wholesaler who normally sells their goods to another business. Now a day’s there are lots of institutes who offer the training of Retail management. As currently, there is a huge competition in the market. That is why the retailer who offers the best service with lots of add-ons is able to survive in the market.

Image Text A process of promoting greater sales with customer satisfaction through gaining a better understanding of the consumers needs is a retail management. A retail management is a strategy of a business to deliver a product to the consumer with satisfaction & to increase the demand of buyers by providing them different tempting & eye-catching products. Retail management saves time and also ensures that the customers easily locate their desired merchandise and return home with satisfaction.

There are lots of websites which offer the facility of retail consultation. They have Retail Experts who are innovative, creative and can think out of the box. They have great knowledge about the market. These websites encourage people to look at their business differently. They help to see insight & motivate the retailers to know how good they are and how much better they can become. They share the positive actions, which assist the people in creating differentiation in their business & improving themselves and their teams. They deliver more engaging and productive customer service experience to the business. These experts have real-world solutions with a fresh perspective and proven results. Now a day’s these websites become a part of the point of sale solutions. They offer flexible, comprehensive, and resilient solutions to a variety of retail service establishments and convenience stores.

They provide flawlessly integrated solution from top to bottom, such as - front office system to control the store, driven-thru support, back office systems to control inventory, vendor management and all other aspects to provide central management and decision control for the entire chain to the head office.

There are various retail training websites that can be helpful to a great extent. They are a developer of online and in-store training solutions to retailers & their employees. They also offer unique retail education model. Their courses include a retail perspective from various sectors. These training are available for operation managers, store employees, and also for independent owners.

Lots of websites offer 24/7 training from any computer with Internet access. That means you need not hamper your work & it also increases flexibility. They can customize any of the online and in-store courses which suit your specific needs. They also have different levels from which you can choose as per your need & budget.

To know more info : Retail expert

How Executive Coaching is Helpful in Business Growth? 9 years ago

There are several business managers often looking for the retail expert who can deal with their major problems and challenges like fixing internal problems, hiring people and finding the strategies to improve their sales potential. These are the factors responsible to make stressful environment and they need proper solution. This way, executive coaching can definitely be helpful for the retailers and companies and they are going to use the skills of their executives to optimize their resources and improve their leadership potential which plays a vital role in the company’s overall growth. In order to enhance Retail customer experience, you may need an expert who can understand your troubles and suggest you easy solutions to cope up with. They have all the cutting-edge and modern techniques of leaderships that can easily train your executives so you can get the effective training for your subordinates.

Executive coaching is not just limited to training of your higher level executives who have proper managerial skills. Here are some of the qualities to consider when looking for executive coaches and retail consultants –

Increase Profits – They can easily share some of the main techniques that may help you and your company to increase capability of staff, productivity and promote the managers. They will be motivated to find out the innovative ways to improve the revenue of your business.

Motivate Employees – In order to build the competitive edge, motivation is really a very important factor. They are very helpful to improve the morale of employees and provide complete satisfaction to them. They teach how to provide great customer experience and they help them lead in the competitive world.

Maintain Harmony in Company Culture – With the help of open communication, one can easily bridge the gap between ordinary staff and executives. Rather than posts, people start working as a team and get credit according to their performance. Everyone will feel valued and it can easily help them avoid the chances of misunderstanding.

With the help of executive coaching, it can really improve the business performance through propagating new skills and thoughts in the top level management. It is also helpful in leadership development of the management and helps them rank the staff. The self leadership can easily be promoted. There are several retail trainers in the world that are offering cognitive behavioral approach to assess the mindsets of people and their beliefs according to the given situation.

They have all the qualities that can help them in training process. You can also learn something from them to use in hiring candidates. You can easily deal with problems occur in your company with the help of these trainers. They are available to provide proper help and training and they can easily give you proper sales knowledge. There are different people who are able to tell you the right ways to deal with various problems. There are large numbers of people who can get help of these retail counselors. They can easily deal with your challenges and help you cope up with.

For More info :-Retail consultants

How to know About the Retail sales training? 9 years ago

The sales trainings are planned to work on up the selling abilities of the individuals implicated in the procedure of sales. There are such sales trainings can be given in various techniques. They can either be giving in open surroundings or in-house. The former fundamentally signifies an off position or out of the association, teaching of such skill in a classroom setup wherever training can be teach in the types of theory, practical expression and reproduction exercises. The domestic training is same to the on-the-job preparation programs where the individuals are evaluate and taught the significant lessons of sales when performing their jobs. The Retail sales training is important to any type of business society, whether it is a production to business, business to client, a retail association, a service group, or even companies connect in telephonic sales. The proficient firms have custom-made sales trainings for every of these various types of organizations. The sales training programs can be of changeable spans and time depending on the different requirements of the clients. Such programs can assortment from a day to a week program to even a little month programs that depends on the customers requirement.

The action of sales and performance of this movement is a main thought for any business involved in producing goods and services. In order to know this point it is significant to understand the idea of sales. A sale is basically the act of selling incredible. It can be sale of product, service, idea, and concept or no matter which for that substance. This sale would in turn make a reward which is mostly in conditions of monetary recompense. This might sound simple to get, but considering the opposition in the market, there are numerous companies doing the similar activity and connect in the similar activity of sales. The Retail customer experience essentially has different available choices for one particular require and thus, the procedure of sales and inspiring the clients to buy the production of an organization is a rather complicated task.

This process is more difficult and complicated; there is a human point of view to this process. This essentially signifies that there is human participation in the procedure in conditions of the people who are engaged in the procedure of sales and people who really purchase those sales. When there is human connection in a method, standardization of such development becomes hard. Also, the human brain purpose is in its own technique. Therefore, controlling such human brain as the process of sales is happening both difficult and at times important to handle. Since there is human concern in the process of sales, there are sure abilities that become required for the achievement of such process. Understanding such ability and implement such skills is necessary to complete the job of sales of the necessary output.

These online Websites help specialty retailers to develop their: •Sales method and employees performance •Customer service knowledge •Omni-channel technique and implementation •Standard sale and exchange rate •Accumulate and multi-unit managers •Market place and service knowledge strategies •Capability to compete and produce in a competitive market •Culture and the resulting worker experience •Position of marketing and store service understanding

For more info:-Retail sales training

Expert Retail Consultant:How to Be At the Top in the Retail Industry? 9 years ago

One of the toughest industries in the business is the retail sector. This industry depends on really small margins and also on whatever is trending. However, there are several ways you can stand out and one of them is by investing in a consulting firm. One major challenge that retail stores face are maintaining profit in the competitive world. You also need to provide excellent customer experience which is not easy to handle.

If you are considering starting a retail business. Below are some things you should consider!

Create a business plan : A business plan is essential and will guide you throughout your venture. Before you get started with your business make sure you have specific plans of action about how you will run your business. A good business plan includes the business structure, marketing strategies, business location, products and services being offered and a legal name.

Tax, insurance and other issues : It’s essential to ahead of time what business permits and licenses you would need to obtain before you start your retail business. This process would involve a lot of paperwork. Therefore, this task should be given a priority as it is essential for registering the business properly.

Choose the best location: You need to make sure you choose a location that is accessible to the potential clients. Find out about various location options for your retail store. Decide whether you want to buy or lease a space. Ensure that the convenience of potential clients should be your priority. A wrong location can be a sign of losing business from the potential clients. You might need to spend a little more than your budget, and if the location is convenient for your potential clients, you can easily recover the money.

Choosing a legal name for business : Come up with a name that your clients can easily remember. The business name should be related to your products or services and should say about the mission of your company. Take professional advice and shortlist a few names which appropriate and finalize the best one.

Investment: Make a note of all the areas where your business needs investment. Some of them are designing the store, marketing and hiring employees. You’ll also need to consider the costs of providing retail coach training to your staff and also a retail keynote speaker for your business.

Or, the best thing you can do is hire a retail consultant.

Why should you hire an expert retail consultant?

Whether you’re starting a new business or looking for ways to improve your existing business, a retail consultant can do a lot for your business. Look for someone who has experience in the industry your business operates in. A retail consultant can help you make several necessary changes in your business which will have a bigger impact on your business in the wrong run. They can take your retail operation to an entirely new level. Your store might be the best in its business, however, hiring an expert might make things better than the best.

For More Information Please Visit this:- Retail Expert Consultant

Retail Training from an Impactful Retail keynote speaker 9 years ago

Learning is a continuous process and this is one thing which has no stopping in human life, however the only thing that is important is that we should have the hunger in our belly for more. At times, we feel that we know everything and this is the time which leads us to our downfall as we start thinking, there is no other person as knowledgeable as us and we start taking thing people and things for granted. This should not be the case! Always remember we need to always learn and unlearn what we know in our lives so as we make space for more quality learning.

There are much educated, experienced and enriched professionals who can do this magic to us and we can learn more. Passion for learning is a great thing and very rare this is witnessed and those who are blessed with passion, they go places and take on the journey to acquire infinite aspects of knowledge.

Whether it is a corporate house, industry, public administration office, University, Shopping centres, where people interact with people on a daily basis, we all must have noticed that there is always a scope of learning for a little extra. Remember the way we upgrade and renovate our homes, offices, vehicles, and our wardrobe line, exactly in the same manner, we also need to keep updating our knowledge and learning aspects. It is very important as from time to time we need to polish our thought process so as to Retail Training can think better, act and perform better.

Especially in today’s world, it is the survival of the fittest and we really need to think what are we doing towards being the best and the toughest in the industry. If we look around retail industry, in the last few years, it has grown immensely! This is one important sector, which needs to furnish and get updated every new day with the innovative knowledge system. Here, businessmen deal with customers each minute, each day. Thus, they need to pay a lot of attention on their overall staff training as this would impact a major chunk on their turnover.

There are Retail Consultant in the market who are well known and experienced and can offer impactful Expert Retail Consultant to your employees at different verticals and explain them the importance of their roles and actions. This retail keynote speaker is a customer experience expert who has immense experience of understanding customer expectations as well as market trend. He or she can train the staff with powerful ideas and practical keynotes in his workshop. Their way of imparting essential learning is so interesting and unique that learning becomes fun as well as each individual gets highly motivated to deliver his/her best at all times. Thus, learning with a leader who can entertain, engage and still can deliver the important message which can impact your business is an opportunity which should not be missed at any cost!